Longevity for Healthcare Travelers. Increasing the Health Span
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Chris Scheumann

Healthcare professionals work in challenging and stressful environments. Working in these environments often leads to physical and mental complications hence leading to shortened careers in their medical profession. This combined with a modern health care and insurance system which focuses more on “sick care,” than functional, preventative care is the setup for disaster related to the health care workers longevity in their profession. This presentation will describe numerous tools for improving healthspan; therefore potentially extending their time as a health care professional, as well as increasing the likelihood of being able to live a ""functional"" retirement. From cutting edge diagnostics to genetics based diet and exercise programs, attendees of this presentation will walk away with an extensive knowledge of modern day longevity tools.

Location Name
Full Address
Paris Las Vegas
3655 S Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89109
United States
Chris Scheumann
Session Type